Understanding Retail Consumers Behaviour

Clustering can be used for market segmentation, the idea of dividing airline passengers into small, more similar groups, and then designing a marketing strategy specifically for each group. In this analysis, I’ll see how this idea can be applied to retail consumer data.

I’ll use the dataset Households.csv.xz, which contains data collected over two years for a group of 2,500 households. Each row (observation) in our dataset represents a unique household. The dataset contains the following variables:

  • NumVisits = the number of times the household visited the retailer
  • AvgProdCount = the average number of products purchased per transaction
  • AvgDiscount = the average discount per transaction from coupon usage (in %) - NOTE: Do not divide this value by 100!
  • AvgSalesValue = the average sales value per transaction
  • MorningPct = the percentage of visits in the morning (8am - 1:59pm)
  • AfternoonPct = the percentage of visits in the afternoon (2pm - 7:59pm)

Note that some visits can occur outside of morning and afternoon hours. That is, visits from 8pm - 7:59am are possible.

This dataset was derived from source files provided by dunnhumby, a customer science company based in the UK.

Problem 1 - Reading in the data

Read the dataset Households.csv.xz into R.

HouseHolds <- read.csv("Households.csv.xz")
'data.frame':   2500 obs. of  6 variables:
 $ NumVisits    : int  86 45 47 30 40 250 59 113 20 9 ...
 $ AvgProdCount : num  20.08 15.87 19.62 10.03 5.55 ...
 $ AvgDiscount  : num  8.11 7.44 14.37 3.85 2.96 ...
 $ AvgSalesValue: num  50.4 43.4 56.5 40 19.5 ...
 $ MorningPct   : num  46.51 8.89 14.89 13.33 2.5 ...
 $ AfternoonPct : num  51.2 60 76.6 56.7 67.5 ...
   NumVisits       AvgProdCount     AvgDiscount     AvgSalesValue    
 Min.   :   1.0   Min.   : 1.186   Min.   : 0.089   Min.   :  2.388  
 1st Qu.:  39.0   1st Qu.: 6.123   1st Qu.: 3.006   1st Qu.: 18.329  
 Median :  79.0   Median : 8.979   Median : 4.865   Median : 27.417  
 Mean   : 110.6   Mean   :10.291   Mean   : 5.713   Mean   : 31.621  
 3rd Qu.: 142.2   3rd Qu.:13.116   3rd Qu.: 7.327   3rd Qu.: 40.546  
 Max.   :1300.0   Max.   :56.600   Max.   :47.176   Max.   :165.829  
   MorningPct      AfternoonPct   
 Min.   :  0.00   Min.   :  0.00  
 1st Qu.: 16.67   1st Qu.: 42.20  
 Median : 26.09   Median : 52.00  
 Mean   : 28.73   Mean   : 51.45  
 3rd Qu.: 37.17   3rd Qu.: 61.29  
 Max.   :100.00   Max.   :100.00  
  NumVisits AvgProdCount AvgDiscount AvgSalesValue MorningPct AfternoonPct
1        86     20.08140    8.105116      50.35070  46.511628     51.16279
2        45     15.86667    7.444222      43.42978   8.888889     60.00000
3        47     19.61702   14.365106      56.45128  14.893617     76.59574
4        30     10.03333    3.855000      40.00367  13.333333     56.66667
5        40      5.55000    2.958250      19.47650   2.500000     67.50000
6       250      7.16400    3.313360      23.98464  25.600000     61.20000

How many households have logged transactions at the retailer only in the morning?

nrow(subset(HouseHolds, MorningPct == 100))
[1] 4

How many households have logged transactions at the retailer only in the afternoon?

nrow(subset(HouseHolds, AfternoonPct == 100))
[1] 13

Problem 2 - Descriptive statistics

Of the households that spend more than $150 per transaction on average, what is the minimum average discount per transaction?

min(subset(HouseHolds, AvgSalesValue > 150)$AvgDiscount)
[1] 15.64607

Of the households who have an average discount per transaction greater than 25%, what is the minimum average sales value per transaction?

min(subset(HouseHolds, AvgDiscount > 25)$AvgSalesValue)
[1] 50.1175

What proportion of households visited the retailer at least 300 times?

nrow(subset(HouseHolds, NumVisits >= 300)) / nrow(HouseHolds)
[1] 0.0592

Problem 3 - Importance of Normalizing

When clustering data, its often important to normalize the variables so that they are all on the same scale.

If you clustered this dataset without normalizing, which variable would you expect to dominate in the distance calculations?

   NumVisits       AvgProdCount     AvgDiscount     AvgSalesValue    
 Min.   :   1.0   Min.   : 1.186   Min.   : 0.089   Min.   :  2.388  
 1st Qu.:  39.0   1st Qu.: 6.123   1st Qu.: 3.006   1st Qu.: 18.329  
 Median :  79.0   Median : 8.979   Median : 4.865   Median : 27.417  
 Mean   : 110.6   Mean   :10.291   Mean   : 5.713   Mean   : 31.621  
 3rd Qu.: 142.2   3rd Qu.:13.116   3rd Qu.: 7.327   3rd Qu.: 40.546  
 Max.   :1300.0   Max.   :56.600   Max.   :47.176   Max.   :165.829  
   MorningPct      AfternoonPct   
 Min.   :  0.00   Min.   :  0.00  
 1st Qu.: 16.67   1st Qu.: 42.20  
 Median : 26.09   Median : 52.00  
 Mean   : 28.73   Mean   : 51.45  
 3rd Qu.: 37.17   3rd Qu.: 61.29  
 Max.   :100.00   Max.   :100.00  


Problem 4 - Normalizing the Data

Normalize all of the variables in the dataset (Note that these codes assume that our dataset is called “Households”, and create the normalized dataset “HouseholdsNorm”. You can change the names to anything you want by editing the codes.)

Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: ggplot2
preproc <- preProcess(HouseHolds)
HouseHoldsNorm <- predict(preproc, HouseHolds)

(Remember that for each variable, the normalization process subtracts the mean and divides by the standard deviation. In our normalized dataset, all of the variables should have mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

   NumVisits        AvgProdCount      AvgDiscount      AvgSalesValue    
 Min.   :-0.9475   Min.   :-1.5239   Min.   :-1.4010   Min.   :-1.5342  
 1st Qu.:-0.6190   1st Qu.:-0.6976   1st Qu.:-0.6743   1st Qu.:-0.6976  
 Median :-0.2731   Median :-0.2197   Median :-0.2112   Median :-0.2206  
 Mean   : 0.0000   Mean   : 0.0000   Mean   : 0.0000   Mean   : 0.0000  
 3rd Qu.: 0.2737   3rd Qu.: 0.4728   3rd Qu.: 0.4021   3rd Qu.: 0.4684  
 Max.   :10.2828   Max.   : 7.7500   Max.   :10.3293   Max.   : 7.0432  
   MorningPct       AfternoonPct     
 Min.   :-1.6779   Min.   :-3.22843  
 1st Qu.:-0.7047   1st Qu.:-0.58006  
 Median :-0.1546   Median : 0.03458  
 Mean   : 0.0000   Mean   : 0.00000  
 3rd Qu.: 0.4926   3rd Qu.: 0.61755  
 Max.   : 4.1617   Max.   : 3.04658  

What is the maximum value of NumVisits in the normalized dataset? #### 10.2828

What is the minimum value of AfternoonPct in the normalized dataset? #### -3.22843

Create a dendrogram of our data:

distances <- dist(HouseHoldsNorm, method = "euclidean")
ClusterShoppers <- hclust(distances, method = "ward.D")
plot(ClusterShoppers, labels = FALSE)

Problem 5 - Interpreting the Dendrogram

Based on the dendrogram, how many clusters do you think would be appropriate for this problem? #### 2, 3, 5

Problem 6 - K-means Clustering

Run the k-means clustering algorithm on our normalized dataset, selecting 10 clusters. Right before using the kmeans function, Remember “set.seed(200)”.

k <- 10
KMC <- kmeans(HouseHoldsNorm, centers = k, iter.max = 1000)
List of 9
 $ cluster     : int [1:2500] 7 3 1 3 5 6 1 1 3 8 ...
 $ centers     : num [1:10, 1:6] -0.248 -0.483 -0.234 -0.18 -0.246 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:10] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
  .. ..$ : chr [1:6] "NumVisits" "AvgProdCount" "AvgDiscount" "AvgSalesValue" ...
 $ totss       : num 14994
 $ withinss    : num [1:10] 628 449 700 282 580 ...
 $ tot.withinss: num 4828
 $ betweenss   : num 10166
 $ size        : int [1:10] 246 51 490 118 504 226 141 284 52 388
 $ iter        : int 5
 $ ifault      : int 0
 - attr(*, "class")= chr "kmeans"
kmeansGroups <- KMC$cluster
  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10 
246  51 490 118 504 226 141 284  52 388 

How many observations are in the smallest cluster?

[1] 51


How many observations are in the largest cluster?

[1] 504


Problem 7 - Understanding the Clusters

Now, use the cluster assignments from k-means clustering together with the cluster centroids to explore the next few questions.

kmeans1 <- subset(HouseHolds, kmeansGroups == 1)
kmeans2 <- subset(HouseHolds, kmeansGroups == 2)
kmeans3 <- subset(HouseHolds, kmeansGroups == 3)
kmeans4 <- subset(HouseHolds, kmeansGroups == 4)
kmeans5 <- subset(HouseHolds, kmeansGroups == 5)
kmeans6 <- subset(HouseHolds, kmeansGroups == 6)
kmeans7 <- subset(HouseHolds, kmeansGroups == 7)
kmeans8 <- subset(HouseHolds, kmeansGroups == 8)
kmeans9 <- subset(HouseHolds, kmeansGroups == 9)
kmeans10 <- subset(HouseHolds, kmeansGroups == 10)

    NumVisits  AvgProdCount   AvgDiscount AvgSalesValue    MorningPct 
     81.89431      19.11594      10.92924      59.49868      22.76746 
    NumVisits  AvgProdCount   AvgDiscount AvgSalesValue    MorningPct 
     54.70588      32.62351      19.65784      99.73684      32.15593 
    NumVisits  AvgProdCount   AvgDiscount AvgSalesValue    MorningPct 
    83.508163     12.081068      6.881078     37.391552     25.609449 
    NumVisits  AvgProdCount   AvgDiscount AvgSalesValue    MorningPct 
    89.788136      7.053082      3.877403     21.175564     71.391580 
    NumVisits  AvgProdCount   AvgDiscount AvgSalesValue    MorningPct 
     82.18254       5.89608       2.90764      17.51880      19.36659 
    NumVisits  AvgProdCount   AvgDiscount AvgSalesValue    MorningPct 
   281.796460      8.117065      4.297144     25.446228     29.851517 
    NumVisits  AvgProdCount   AvgDiscount AvgSalesValue    MorningPct 
    99.886525     15.469831      9.343551     50.447122     53.462000 
    NumVisits  AvgProdCount   AvgDiscount AvgSalesValue    MorningPct 
    80.288732      9.992614      5.288399     29.327693     13.350751 
    NumVisits  AvgProdCount   AvgDiscount AvgSalesValue    MorningPct 
   626.903846      5.203533      2.632325     16.278150     24.641085 
    NumVisits  AvgProdCount   AvgDiscount AvgSalesValue    MorningPct 
    70.729381      6.479314      3.527893     19.688575     37.377204 

Which cluster best fits the description “morning shoppers stopping in to make a quick purchase”? #### Cluster 4

Problem 8 - Understanding the Clusters

Which cluster best fits the description “shoppers with high average product count and high average value per visit”? #### Cluster 2

Problem 9 - Understanding the Clusters

Which cluster best fits the description “frequent shoppers with low value per visit”? #### Cluster 9

Problem 10 - Random Behavior

If we ran hierarchical clustering a second time without making any additional calls to set.seed, we would expect: #### Identical results to the first hierarchical clustering

If we ran k-means clustering a second time without making any additional calls to set.seed, we would expect: #### Different results from the first k-means clustering

If we ran k-means clustering a second time, again running the code set.seed(200) right before doing the clustering, we would expect: #### Identical results to the first k-means clustering

If we ran k-means clustering a second time, running the code set.seed(100) right before doing the clustering, we would expect: #### Different results from the first k-means clustering

Problem 11 - The Number of Clusters

Suppose the marketing department at the retail store decided that the 10 clusters were too specific, and they wanted more general clusters to describe the consumer base.

Would they want to increase or decrease the number of clusters? #### Decrease the number of clusters

Problem 12 - Increasing the Number of Clusters

Run the k-means clustering algorithm again, this time selecting 5 clusters. Right before the “kmeans” function, set the random seed to 5000.

k <- 5
KMC.5 <- kmeans(HouseHoldsNorm, centers = k, iter.max = 1000)
List of 9
 $ cluster     : int [1:2500] 5 5 1 5 2 2 5 5 5 2 ...
 $ centers     : num [1:5, 1:6] -0.398 -0.193 -0.169 2.695 -0.176 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:5] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
  .. ..$ : chr [1:6] "NumVisits" "AvgProdCount" "AvgDiscount" "AvgSalesValue" ...
 $ totss       : num 14994
 $ withinss    : num [1:5] 1264 1838 1336 754 1604
 $ tot.withinss: num 6795
 $ betweenss   : num 8199
 $ size        : int [1:5] 182 994 428 172 724
 $ iter        : int 7
 $ ifault      : int 0
 - attr(*, "class")= chr "kmeans"
kmeansGroups.5 <- KMC.5$cluster
  1   2   3   4   5 
182 994 428 172 724 

How many observations are in the smallest cluster?

[1] 172


How many observations are in the largest cluster?

[1] 994


Problem 13 - Describing the Clusters

Use the cluster assignments from k-means clustering with 5 clusters, which cluster best fits the description “frequent shoppers with low value per visit”?

kmeans1.5 <- subset(HouseHolds, kmeansGroups.5 == 1)
kmeans2.5 <- subset(HouseHolds, kmeansGroups.5 == 2)
kmeans3.5 <- subset(HouseHolds, kmeansGroups.5 == 3)
kmeans4.5 <- subset(HouseHolds, kmeansGroups.5 == 4)
kmeans5.5 <- subset(HouseHolds, kmeansGroups.5 == 5)

    NumVisits  AvgProdCount   AvgDiscount AvgSalesValue    MorningPct 
     64.60989      24.47666      14.69849      76.09221      31.49236 
    NumVisits  AvgProdCount   AvgDiscount AvgSalesValue    MorningPct 
    88.274648      6.573304      3.355126     19.679329     21.516913 
    NumVisits  AvgProdCount   AvgDiscount AvgSalesValue    MorningPct 
    91.095794      8.541218      4.910884     26.956499     54.594773 
    NumVisits  AvgProdCount   AvgDiscount AvgSalesValue    MorningPct 
   422.273256      7.074807      3.710112     22.317813     27.386172 
    NumVisits  AvgProdCount   AvgDiscount AvgSalesValue    MorningPct 
    90.276243     13.628410      7.640804     41.803608     22.980428 

Cluster 4

Problem 14 - Understanding Centroids

Why do we typically use cluster centroids to describe the clusters? #### The cluster centroid captures the average behavior in the cluster, and can be used to summarize the general pattern in the cluster.

Problem 15 - Using a Visualization

Which of the following visualizations could be used to observe the distribution of NumVisits, broken down by cluster? #### - A box plot of the variable NumVisits, subdivided by cluster #### - ggplot with NumVisits on the x-axis and the cluster number on the y-axis, plotting with geom_point()

Rihad Variawa
Data Scientist

I am the Sr. Data Scientist at Malastare AI and head of global Fintech Research, responsible for overall vision and strategy, investment priorities and offering development. Working in the financial services industry, helping clients adopt new technologies that can transform the way they transact and engage with their customers. I am passionate about data science, super inquisitive and challenge seeker; looking at everything through a lens of numbers and problem-solver at the core. From understanding a business problem to collecting and visualizing data, until the stage of prototyping, fine-tuning and deploying models to real-world applications, I find the fulfillment of tackling challenges to solve complex problems using data.
