
Renewable Energy

Compare countries that are leading in the Solar, Wind & Nuclear Energy Production

Credit Card Fraud Detection

To identify fraudulent credit card transactions so that customers are not charged for items that they did not purchase.

Predicting Loan Defaulters

Build a machine learning algorithm to predict loan defaulters based on certain variables present in the dataset, so we can correctly identifying defaulters (True positives) of the lender **Lending Club** in order to consider whether existing …

Predicting Customer Transactions

Santander Customer Transaction Prediction competition we have a binary classification task.

Earthquake Prediction Challenge

Given seismic signals we are asked to predict the time until the onset of laboratory earthquakes.

Home Loan Default Prediction

Taking an initial look at the **Home Credit Default Risk Machine Learning Competition** currently hosted on Kaggle

Bitcoin Price Prediction

Bitcoin Price Prediction Analysis with Time Series Forecasting

Air Travel Forecasting

Forecasting airline passenger travels

US Police Stop Analysis

Insights Into Important Issues We Face Today, Racism